
What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics deals with diagnosis and treatment of malocclusion, align and straighten teeth, especially their harmonious framing into the bone bases.

It is well known that aesthetics can influence at a greater or lesser extent the decisions of those with which we interact and teeth can reveal many things related to our personality.

Orthodontic treatment provides benefits and great results both for the children and the adults, improving the functionality, health and appearance of your teeth. Orthodontic treatment decreases the risk of cavities and gum disease.

Gain confidence! By correct alignment of teeth also occurs a remarkable aesthetic effect!

In terms of functionality, orthodontic treatment contributes to:

  • Correct positioning of teeth per arch
  • Correction of bite,
  • Correct spacing between teeth;
  • Remedy of speech;
  • Reduce the risk of injurying prominent teeth

Orthodontics produces results for peopleof any age!

How long does orthodontic treatment last?

For people who have not previously received orthodontic treatment, duration of therapy with fixed or mobile devices can extend between 1.5 – 2 years.

Then it is monitored maintenance of the obtained results, a contention period, whose duration is at least half of the duration of the active treatment.